
平行加速器安卓下载    Ethos #1: Welcome to SPH-B!    Ethos #2: Gracious Space


Our academic programs prepare you to tackle today’s pressing public health issues—whether you pursue an undergraduate, graduate, or online degree, or a certificate.


We offer personalized and outcome-focused career services for undergraduates, graduate students, and alumni.

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900internships, practica, and field experiences completed for credit each year by SPH students

3rdlargest school at IU Bloomington

Headshot of Dean David B. Allison

The IU School of Public Health-Bloomington is firmly establishing itself as an intellectual port of call.

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OCRA announces partnership with IU to help manage COVID-19 in two counties

Dr. Evan Jordan shares expert advice about the safety of travel during COVID-19

Dr. Debby Herbenick awarded AASECT Professional Standard of Excellence

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